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Dog behavior consulting and private dog training in English

Individual advice and problem solving, also mobile dog training as home visits and office visits in Zurich and the surrounding area

A dog's undesirable behavior can have a lasting negative impact on living together with the dog owner or even with the whole family and can cause significant stress.

As part of the personally guided behavioral consultation, we discuss the specific problem situation and investigate its cause. We work out a therapy and training plan with you and support you in word and deed in its implementation.

Individual behavioral counseling and behavioral therapy

A dog's undesirable behavior can have a lasting effect on living together with its owner or even with the whole family and can be a considerable burden.

Such behavioral problems manifest themselves, for example, through:

  • Leash aggression

  • pulling on the lead

  • Unwanted hunting behavior

  • separation anxiety

  • destructiveness

  • attention-seeking behavior

  • Excessive barking

  • hyperactivity

  • Aggression towards humans or animals

  • fearful behavior

  • constant licking of body parts

  • uncleanliness

  • and much more...

In many dogs, these and other behavioral problems can be successfully eliminated with targeted behavioral training and by tackling the causes.

As part of a personal dog behavior consultation, we discuss the specific problem situation and investigate its cause. We will work out a therapy plan with you and provide you with advice and support in its implementation.

Successful behavioral counseling requires that...

  1. ... the pet owner actively cooperates during the therapy

  2. ... the pet owner gives their pet time to make the transition

  3. ... the pet owner is aware that the desired result may have to be achieved gradually and in small steps

Whenever possible, we work with positive reinforcers and the use of desensitization and counter-conditioning. We categorically reject any use of methods and aids that cause the animal fear or pain.

Behavioral problems should be treated as quickly as possible. This prevents the animal from becoming accustomed to the unwanted behavior and thus unnecessarily prolonging the therapy time.

Individual training, private lessons and private dog training

Individual training sessions on any topic can be arranged.

In certain cases (e.g. dogs with problem behavior during dog encounters) it is also possible to attend a group course accompanied by one of our trainers as a private lesson (charged as an individual lesson).

Our offer “We train your dog” has also proved to be very useful and effective in some cases.

Who are our behavioral consultations suitable for?

For all dog owners who are unable to deal with a specific issue or undesirable behavior of their dog on their own or who are unable to solve the problem independently.

Private dog education and dog training is also interesting for all those dog owners who want to work individually and intensively on a very specific issue, e.g. leash walking or timing optimization for rewards.

Training location

Our private dog training normally takes place in the Zurich Albisgüetli area - zip code 8045 - or at another location by individual arrangement. Training can also take place at your home, office or any other location that is important for your training goal. We also work as private dog trainers and offer mobile dog training.

Costs for behavior consultations and private dog training lessons

We generally meet in the Zurich Albisgüetli area in zip code 8045. We charge CHF 150.- for the first 60 minutes and CHF 2 per minute for every minute thereafter.

If desired, we can also arrange a home or office visit or your preferred training location. The time for the journey to and from the training site in Albisgüetli is charged at CHF 1.30 per minute.

A private lesson normally lasts one hour, but experience has shown that people often overstay their welcome, which is why we charge per minute after 60 minutes.

Telephone consultation or video coaching

In certain cases we also offer a telephone consultation. The first 5 minutes are free, after that we charge CHF 2 per minute.


Private dog training inquiry

Über unser Anmeldeformular kannst du dich einfach für diesen Kurs oder dieses Angebot anmelden. Wir fragen dich bei der Anmeldung direkt nach relativ vielen Informationen, um dich und deinen Hund so gut wie möglich einschätzen zu können um dich mit deinem Hund so bestmöglich zu unterstützen und zu fördern.

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